To display Compare Sessions Inspector, select a session, click Compare (a) on the toolbar or in the sessions' context menu (b), or double-click the session. The Compare Sessions Inspector will open in the new tab (c). You can select from the several views by clicking an appropriate tab. Every view shows a split-screen displaying:

  • recorded session content on the pane left (d)
  • replayed session content on the pane right (e)

The content is automatically compared. All differences are highlighted as follows:

  • in the recorded pane (on the left) in green (f)
  • in the replayed pane (on the right) in orange (g)

The following views are available:

1. Raw request. Displays unformulated request content. 

    • Recorded and replayed lines are numbered and auto-aligned. 
    • Lines with discrepancies are colored.  
    • Characters with discrepancies are displayed in bold (h).
    • If this request used server authentication, click on the Replayed pane's toolbar on the right inside the Raw Request view to display the credentials used.

2. Response. Displays unformulated response content. 

    • Recorded and replayed lines are numbered and auto-aligned. 
    • Left and right panes can be auto-scrolled vertically.
    • Line numbering on very large sessions is disabled by default for performance; It can be manually re-enabled by checking the box.
    • Lines with discrepancies are colored.  
    • Characters with discrepancies are displayed in bold.
    • To show or hide line number, click or.
    • To split the screen 1:1, click. 
    • To display replayed session information, click  The following information will be displayed:
      • VU number
      • Iteration number
      • Request issuing time from the test start
      • Response receiving time from the test start

    • To create a validator for this response, click the button
    • To ignore any warnings or errors from this session, click the button


3. Header. Displays request headers in the name/value pair format

      • Recorded and replayed headers are displayed in two aligned grids (i).
      • Lines with discrepancies are colored (j).  

4. Query. Displays only if the request has a query string in the name/value pair format

      • The recorded and replayed query string is displayed in two aligned grids
      • Lines with discrepancies are colored.

        No equal number of fields

        Starting from v5.4, if the number of query string fields is not the same in the recorded and replayed requests, StresStimulus will still display the Query grid anyway.

5. Web Form. Displays only if the request is a web form.

      • Recorded and replayed web forms are displayed in two aligned grids.
      • Lines with discrepancies are colored.

        No equal number of fields

        Starting from v5.4, if the number of web form fields is not the same in the recorded and replayed requests, StresStimulus will still display the Web Form grid anyway.

Both panes are independently searchable using the Find boxes on the toolbar (k) in all of the views.

6. Web View. Compare screenshots captured during records and verify. This helps to pinpoint the differences or view errors quickly.

7. Image view. If the request is to an image, then compare images during records and verify.

8. Extractor Verification. If the request uses extractor parameters, click the Extractor Verification tab (l) to see the list of extractors. The list will look like the extractor verification form but only show extractors used by the current request.

  • No labels