During the test execution, you can monitor errors as they occur in real-time. An error is registered on the graph Errors/sec graph. To view details of every error,  select the Test Errors tab to bring up a list of errors that occurred.


In v5.6 the Test Errors grid replaced the Local Errors grid that only displayed errors from the local load agent.

The grid shows the following information. 

TimestampThe timestamp when occurred
#The request number
IterationThe iteration number
VUThe VU number
AgentThe load agent name
T.C.The test case name
HostThe requesting host
PathThe request path
DescriptionDescription of the error

Number errors

You can adjust the number of errors by changing the Max errors to display value. Click the Clear button to clear the grid.

Inspecting errors during the test

Starting from v5.7, users may query the test repository during the test to see the error request/response.

Right-click on an error row and select the Inspect error item, or double-click on an error to bring up the session inspector tab.

Inspect error delay:

There is a delay (about 1 minute) between the error appearing and committing to the test repository. The error can only be inspected after it is committed to the test repository. If the inspector does not appear, wait one minute and try again.

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