In some situations, it is beneficial to analyze the runtime events of a test. For example, to analyze concurrency issues, you might want to know in what order requests were sent.

StresStimulus can write test events to system trace during test execution. If no system trace is available, it can also write trace data to a file.


From v5.7, trace options have been moved to the test profile settings.

Trace Log Options

To display the trace log options, in the Workflow Tree > Advanced Options > press the ... button in the Trace format string property.

Check the Enable trace checkbox to enable test trace.

The following are the events that can be traced:

  • General: General test events & system errors. If using scriptable variables or components, all runtime errors will be logged.
  • Errors/Warnings: Requests errors and timeouts that happen during the test. Includes VU #, Session #, Iteration #.
  • Request/Response: All request and response events. Includes VU #, Session #, Iteration #.

Check the Add timestamp to the external listener checkbox if your listener does not provide its timestamp.

Log to a file

If you don't have a system trace listener or want to save the output to a file, check the Log to file checkbox. Then specify the trace file folder and max trace file size. The default test folder is %programdata%\StresStimulus\Logs.

Before every test, a new trace file will be created and populated during a test run.

To change the trace folder for a load agent used during a distributed test, set the Trace file folder property. 

Application level trace settings

To set the trace log properties at the application level, in Main Menu > Edit > Settings > Trace tab 

Click the Restore from settings button in the Trace Format String Builder dialog to copy the properties from the application level to the test profile.

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