The Summary View displays key performance characteristics aggregated for the test duration. It gives a bird’s eye view on your load test.
To select Summary View, click Summary (a) on the toolbar.
The test summary includes several subsections that can be expanded/collapsed by clicking the triangle icon (b).
A list of the Summary View subsections is provided below:
Test Name
Test Run Name | Optional one-word Test Run Name specified in the Test Profile section. It is used as a suffix following a time-stamp of the test run displayed in the "Analyze Results" section. |
Test run description | Test description specified in the Test Profile section before the test run |
Result name | The automatically created name for every test run. If an embedded database was used as result storage, the name of a database file. |
Test File name | The name of the test script file |
Script last modified | The timestamp of the last script modification |
Purge setting | Result storage setting for purging session content |
StresStimulus Version | The version of StresStimulus that executed the test |
Test profile name | Name of the test profile used to execute the test |
Test Settings
Load pattern | The load pattern description |
Complete after (hh: mm: ss) | The test's primary and secondary completion criteria |
Warm-up time (s) | The warm-up time used in the test |
Test Run Information
Start time | Test start time |
End time | Test end time |
Test run duration | The test duration in seconds. [End Time] - [Start Time] |
Overall Result
Completion Status | Shows whether the test was Completed, Aborted, or Recovered |
Abort comment | The reason why the test was aborted (only appears if the test completion status is Aborted) |
Pass/Fail Status | Indicates whether the test has Passed or Failed |
Fail Conditions | Shows the Failed Conditions that were violated. The following quality parameters can be missed:
Test Goal Status | Shows whether a goal-oriented test reached its goal or not. (Goal-oriented test) |
Max User Load | The maximum number of VUs reached during the test. When the Constant Load Pattern is selected, it will equal the set number of VUs. When Step Load Pattern is selected, it will be equal to the Max number of VUs or a smaller number than the test duration limit permits to reach. |
Max Concurrent User Load | The maximum number of concurrent VUs reached during the test. |
Total sent (KB) | The total amount of test upload traffic that is equal to the sum of all requests' sizes |
Total received (KB) | The total amount of test download traffic that is equal to the sum of all responses' sizes |
KB sent/sec | KB sent per second. Calculated as [Total KB sent] / [Test run duration] |
KB received/sec | KB received per second. Calculated as [Total KB received] / [Test run duration] |
Test Goal Status | Shows if or when the test reached the goal |
Test Iterations
Avg. time of successful iterations (s) | The average time to complete successful iterations, including think times and delays |
Iterations started | The combined number of test iterations started by all VUs |
Successful iterations | The combined number of test iterations completed by all VUs |
Unsuccessful iterations | The combined number of failed and aborted test iterations |
Unsuccessful iterations % | Percentage of iterations that failed |
Incomplete Iterations | Number of iterations that started but were aborted due to test completion or user action |
Avg. response time (s) | Calculated as [Aggregate Session time] / [Total Requests]. |
Requests/sec | The number of HTTP transactions (sessions) issued by the load test engine. It is calculated as [Total Requests] / [Test run duration]. |
Number of URLs | The total number of recorded URLs |
Total requests issued | The combined number of requests issued during the test |
Request errors | The total number of errors |
Request timeouts | The total number of timeouts |
Failed Requests % | Percentage of requests with an error or timeout |
Avg. response time (s) | Average response time of successful transactions |
Transactions/sec | Average transactions requested per second |
Number of transactions | The number of transactions in the test |
Requested transaction iterations | The total number of transaction iterations requested during the test |
Transactions with error(s) | The number of transactions with error(s) |
Requested transaction iterations with error(s) | The total number of transaction iterations with error(s) requested during the test |
Transactions with a timeout(s) | The number of transactions with at least one timeout request. See Page Timeout for more details. |
Requested transaction iterations with timeout(s) | The total number of transaction iterations with timeout(s) requested during the test |
Transactions with a missed goal(s) | The number of transactions with the missed goal |
Requested transaction iterations with the missed goal | The total number of transaction iterations with missed goal requested during the test |
Slowest transaction(s) | Up to five slowest transactions. Click a transaction link to open a transaction report |
Avg. response time (s) | Average response time of successful pages |
Pages/sec | Average pages requested per second |
Number of pages | The number of pages in the test |
Requested page iterations | The total number of page iteration requested during the test |
Pages with error(s) | The number of pages with error(s) |
Requested page iterations with error(s) | The total number of page iterations with error(s) requested during the test |
Pages with timeout(s) | The number of pages with at least one timeout request. See Page Timeout for more details. |
Requested page iterations with timeout(s) | The total number of page iterations with timeout(s) requested during the test |
Pages with a missed goal(s) | The number of pages with the missed goal |
Requested page iterations with the missed goal | The total number of page iterations with the missed goal requested during the test |
Slowest Page(s) | Up to five slowest pages. Click a page link to open a page report |
Error Count Summary
Error type and description | The number of times this error occurred in the test |
Top Errors | Up to five most occurring errors. Click an error link to retrieve and display all occurrences of this error in the session grid on the left. |